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  • 6 Things Trying to Tell You It’s Time to Change ($27 Value)
  • ​10 Solid Reasons to Change Right Now
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  • 8 Reasons Why It Might be Time to Change Your Job ($27 Value)
  • ​5 Strategies to Overcome Fear So You Can Make a Big Change ($27 Value)
  • ​​6 Ways to Push Yourself into Action when It’s Time for a Change ($27 Value)
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Get all the Job Search Documents Toolkit you need for the best Do It Yourself job search.

Best Resume Template: This is exactly the same template we use in writing our resumes for clients. An ATS-friendly, action-oriented, achievement based document with all the proper categories recruiters are looking for: Core Competencies, Professional Work Experience, Technical Skills and Education/Certifications. This also has every help you need from our 14 years of professional resume writing experience to help you land a recruiter phone screening call!

Resume Readiness Checklist: To ensure it has everything you need to make sure you pass the ATS and get into the Recruiter's inbox!

Best Cover Letter Template: This cover letter has the categories and starter content to help you effectively write a brief story why they need to look at your resume.

Best Thank You Letter Template: Gratitude and thoughtfulness go a LONG way. If you express it to those you interview with, then you’ll set yourself apart from your competitors! Use this letter as a way of expressing your thanks to your interviewer and this will then serve as a reminder to them you’re still interested!

Job Search Tools: A collection of job search tools to help you define your best next step in your career. You'll find money making apps, money saving apps, writing tools, Linkedin resources, career clarity assessments and anything you need to help you figure out what you want to do next, for a Do It Yourself approach.

All this just for $199. This page only.

"Let's face it, decisions are hard enough, why not have an expert on your side who can relate to the stresses of life and career decision-making to help you think from a different perspective?" - Amanda J.

Nothing happens if we don't take action, so let's get moving on your career transition by ordering your copy quick!

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